Greetings Christ the King! I wanted to share some news with you all about where I am in the candidacy process. First, I want you to know that you all were a huge part of my seminary journey!
On December 6th, I had my final interview of candidacy to determine whether I would, or would not, be approved for ordination as a rostered minister in the East Central Synod of Wisconsin. This is the very last determination and step in Candidacy before the candidate can look for their first call. This is the moment that you work so hard for, for 4-5 years of your process. Once the seminary faculty vote that they recommend you are approved for ordination or not approved, the Synod makes the final decision during this meeting. I am proud, humbled, and incredibly grateful to share with you that I have been positively approved by the East Central Synod of Wisconsin for ordination! I now get to use the words, "When I become a Pastor", rather than "If I become a Pastor!" I now need to finish this semester and spring semester of Seminary as I fill out the Rostered Minister Profile paperwork (and it's a doozie!). Once I fill that out, then I can start being considered for a first call. I cannot wait to see where the Holy Spirit brings me in the future but know that Christ the King holds a huge place in my heart and has done so much to form me as the pastor I will become. Know that wherever I go for first call, you all were a big reason why I got there and will still be with me as I start my ministry career. Also, for those who enjoyed the "Giving Context to the Clobber Passages" Bible Study-- I was officially asked by the Bishop to share that with the Synod once it is finished and written out. Because of your grace and excitement in allowing me to teach it and record it, I now get to share the study with the entire synod! This is truly a dream come true for me, and I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you for being the beta-testers so other congregations going through the RIC process will have another helpful tool to utilize with their churches in making the decision to move forward with becoming a safe space for all people. It goes without saying that you all will be invited to my ordination. When I know the details of that, I will let you know. First, I need to be called to a church and graduate Seminary. I have been asked if I know graduation details yet and I am okay sharing them with you now that they are available. I am not certain if the actual ceremony will be streamed, but I have a feeling that it will be. Once I get more information on that end, I will share that with you as well. If you want to attend the actual ceremony, here are the details:
May 18th, 2025
3:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Commencement Ceremony at St. Joseph the Worker
2001 Saint Joseph Street, Dubuque, IA, 52001
Our Commencement Speaker will be Rev. CeCe Mills
I still have many steps to get to first call, but I am so incredibly grateful for the journey I've had with Christ the King both working with your awesome youth, and during my time serving as your Vicar. None of that will ever be forgotten! Thank you for being such a huge part of my journey, and we can say "We did it!" together. Many blessings on your future and all of the beautiful and wonderful ministry you will continue to do, and new ministries that will come in the future. In the meantime, I am excited and grateful to still lead our middle school and high school youth and will continue to do so until that first call comes. And I will cherish and enjoy every single moment with them, and you! Thank you for the journey together, and blessings on your beautiful congregation. Sommer L. Loar