A new year brings us to a new location for our distribution.
Starting on February 6, 2024, our new site is at Christ the King Lutheran Church in
Combined Locks.
Christ the King is located at 601 S. Washington St. in Combined Locks. The parking lot will open at 4 p.m. Guests trying to enter the parking lot prior to 4 p.m. will not be permitted. Distribution will start at 4:30 p.m. Traffic plans and
maps are being finalized now – check out the Ruby’s Pantry Appleton Facebook page and felc.com for more details as they become available.
We are making this move because we’ve outgrown the First English location. While we knew there was a need for a program like Ruby’s Pantry in the Fox Valley beyond the Greenville site, the response to the distributions has far sur-
passed our expectations. We are so grateful to Christ the King for sharing their parking lot with us. This is such a logical collaboration as there many current volunteers from this church…and they have a gigantic parking lot! I know there will be worries about
the timing given that Kimberly High School is next to Christ the King. The high school is supportive of this program coming to the neighborhood AND we are implementing a new timeline for parking.
Just like when we started in Appleton three years ago – there will be a learning curve as we figure out the most efficient ways to serve our guests. So just like when we started, we continue to ask everyone to have fun and have
grace. You, as volunteers, make this program successful. I feel like we aren’t just a team, we are a family. I appreciate
you all more than words can express and I’m looking forward to seeing you all Christ the King in a few weeks.
If you didn’t receive the signup link – here it is. Please me and I will help you get set up.
Deni Kuchler (She/Her) (920)733-2303