Have you seen the commercials on tv “He Gets Us” about Jesus. They totally get my attention and pull me in, to know more about who Jesus is. CtK, you will receive a devotional written and illustrated by congregational partners and some friends who wish to share who “Jesus is” to them. Some devotions we will take at face value and others will resonate deeply in our souls and cause us to wonder. That is the blessing of our sharing.
As we journey in Lent, you know these words, “From dust we were made; to dust we will return” (Genesis 3:19). They are shared when you receive the sign of the cross on your forehead in ash! March 5th is just two weeks away. It is the opportunity in worship to receive your ash and enter into the rhythm of Lent to prepare for Easter! Of course, soup suppers are always fun at CtK. We have awesome soup and many dishes that people bring to eat alongside our soup. Oh, and of course our Confirmation youth who eagerly help serve, bus tables, and wash dishes. Their service to the congregation and our faith development as a congregation in this season is awe-some. In addition, we will enjoy the liturgy of Holden Evening Prayer. If you’ve never sung it, you will get hooked by the end of Lent! I have been singing it for over 30 years and I can’t get enough of it.
For the five weeks after Ash Wednesday, we will also have time to dialogue with one another with questions that identify the hurt we carry, but also the hope we find in Jesus! I recently read the book Pastrix by Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber. She is an edgy, tattooed pastor in the ELCA. Someone asked her about her Mary Magdalen tattoos, “Why her?” She explained, “Mary did not deny, nor betray Jesus, nor hightail it out when things got rough, but with just a couple of other faithful women, she stood at the cross. And after Jesus died, it was Mary who came to his tomb while it was still dark. She stood there and wept. She did not recognize the resurrected Christ until he spoke her name, but she turned at the sound of it. And it was her, a deeply faithful and deeply flawed woman, whom Jesus chose to be the first witness of his resurrection and to whom he commanded to go and tell everyone else about it.” Simply Mary just showed up. Nothing kept her from it. Showing up is one of the greatest spiritual practices we can share! Let us, show up on Wednesdays and Sundays. When we do, we can know better who Jesus is and we can see God’s love come to life!
Continued Blessings & Peace in Your Spiritual Journey,
Pastor Nate