Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the All Saints church door in Wittenberg, Germany. They were talking points that angered the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire and thus the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther was a monk committed to God and to the pursuit of holiness and righteousness. Luther describes his earthly, exhausting existence: “When I was a monk, I wearied myself greatly for almost fifteen years with the daily sacrifice, tortured myself with fasting, vigils, prayers, and other very rigorous works. I earnestly thought to acquire righteousness by my works.”
Luther came to realize that salvation was a gift for the guilty, not a reward for the righteous. People are not saved by their good works, but by trusting the finished work of Christ. Thus, justification by faith alone became the central tenet of the reformation. (adapted from Steven Lawson)
The sale of indulgences by the church had to end. Essentially these are “get out of hell free” tickets. False teachers traveled from city to city and sold “pardons for sin” and certificates to release loved ones from purgatory/hell. This was heretical! Why would you need Jesus if you could pay for your forgiveness?
Luther’s talking points defied the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the authority of the Pope and it did not sit well. Luther was demanded to recant what he had said or face excommunication (being thrown out of the Church) or death! Forced to renounce his words, Luther faced his inquisitors and said, “I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against my conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.” The Protestant Reformation was born.
507 years later, we continue to stand with conscious and the 5 Solas or doctrines of the Reformation:
Sola Scritpura – Scripture Alone: the Bible alone is our highest authority
Sola Fide – Faith Alone: we are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ
Sola Gratia – Grace Alone: we are saved by the grace of God alone
Solus Christus – Christ Alone: Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, savior, and King
Soli Deo Gloria – to the Glory of God alone: we live for the glory of God alone
Why do we care about the Reformation? Because the gospel message of Jesus Christ is our foundation of freedom. It is the “truth” of our salvation – we are saved by grace through faith to experience the abundant life God blesses us with! Let us give thanks to God as we remember our beginnings and why we are continue to remember the Reformation.