Summer is a busy time for everyone,
so many options of how to spend your time. And I don’t mean to make your decisions harder, but I want to remind you of many events and activities going on in and at our church during the rest of the summer!
· Chapel on the Lakes- Wednesday August 3, come at 4:30pm to eat together (if you wish) and then enjoy worship at 6:00pm on a paddleboat while cruising the Chain of Lakes
· Wednesday evening worship at 6:00 through 8/10/22- Music, fellowship and a meal!
· Bike to the Beat- Saturday August 6, CtK is one of 2 starting points for this fun event
· Church Picnic- Sunday August 7, worship under the tent at 10:30am with food and games to follow, sign-up to bring a dish to pass and volunteers to help set-up/take-down are always welcome
· Crafty Friends- Sunday, August 14, bring a craft project to work on, enjoy the fellowship and seeing what other kinds of projects
· Ruby’s Pantry- first Tuesday of the month at 4:30pm at First English, help hand out food donations to those in need
· Pillars- Tuesday, August 2, bring in donations of spaghetti supplies (noodles, green beans, garlic bread, dessert) and/or volunteer 2-3 hours from 4-7pm to help prepare and serve the meal to those staying at the homeless shelter
· BYG (Beginner’s Youth Group)- Wednesday, August 17 at 12:00pm, kids grades 4-6 get together, play games or do a fun project (if you look closely, little signs of the fun they had are sometimes found in the parking lot!)
· Frolic Playdate in the Park- Sunday August 21 at 11:00am, get together with other families with “Littles” for a fun hour of playing in the park
· Tuesday morning Bible study- every Tuesday at 9:30am- currently discussing the Book of Revelations
· High School Youth Group- High school kids gather several times per month for fellowship and games or a project, currently on a mission trip to West Virginia!
· Worship- every Sunday morning at 9:15am, join us in person or online on Facebook
Come Fall, there will be even more activities to choose from, including 2 worship services on Sunday mornings, Sunday school, Christian Education and Confirmation classes, Lay school, Men’s and Women’s bible studies, and a cribbage league.
Check out our website (, read the weekly newsletter, or the announcements in church for information on everything going on in YOUR church. Come join the fun!!