Our RIC Journey
The purpose of the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Program is to ensure the welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; work for racial equity and commit to anti-racist work and support the national program.
What is Reconciling in Christ (RIC) All About?
As we live more fully into our core value of Being Welcoming and Inclusive, we will be starting conversation this year to discern becoming a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. This came up in our 2019 visioning discussions we had at Christ the King when we talked about HOW we wanted to practice being welcoming and inclusive.
Reconciling in Christ congregations work to publicly see, name, celebrate, and advocate for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions in the Lutheran church. Additionally they work for racial equity and commit to anti-racist work.
To be recognized as a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Partner, faith communities:
Explicitly state a welcome to people of “all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions” or “LGBTQIA+” and name its commitment to "racial equity" or "anti-racism" in its welcome statement.
Are open to calling an LGBTQIA+ and Black, Brown, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC) Rostered Leader.
Allow community space/sanctuary to be used for LGBTQIA+ weddings and blessings.
Make a meaningful contribution annually to support the national RIC program.
To find more information on the Reconciling in Christ program
please visit our partner organization:
The RIC Core Team
The Reconciling in Christ Core Team is the group of Christ the King members who are facilitating and leading this discussion. They're the folks to reach out to with questions and concerns.

Updates On the Process
Where We've
2019: CtK identified Being welcoming and inclusive as a core value of the congregation. At that time a group of ministry partners identified becoming an RIC congregation as a potential action goal.
2021: The CtK church council identified that it was a good time to start the RIC process and voted to begin exploration.
2021: A core team of CtK ministry partners was formed to plan and facilitate the process in the congregation.
2022: The RIC Core team formulated a plan for the process and began having
1-on-1 conversations with people of the congregation to get a feel for readiness.
2023: The core team reached out to the congregation with a survey to gauge readiness.
Dismantling the "Clobber Texts" Bible study
2024: Our core team continues reaching out to the community:
Imago Dei LGBTQIA+ ecumenical celebration worship
Hosted the Parasol Patrol for a training event
Fox Valley Pride booth
Where we Are Now:
January 28, 2024: Christ the King voted on a new welcome statement
2024 CtK Welcome Statement:
Welcome to Christ the King (CtK)!
At Christ the King, living out our faith means embodying the radical love of Christ to create a safe and affirming congregation for all people. We understand that the work of Christ’s love is ongoing, and we believe that God’s radically inclusive love excludes no one. Through our words, actions, and hospitality, we strive to care for all of humanity and creation.
As beloved children of God, we recognize that every person and every part of creation has valuable stories and infinite worth—gifts from God meant to be shared with the world. Together as a community, we follow Christ’s example of inclusion and love. We welcome everyone without exception, regardless of age, race, ethnic background, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, family or socioeconomic status, educational background, political affiliation, physical or mental ability, faith history, or lived experience.
We invite you to fully participate in the life of our church: from baptism and membership to leading and serving in any capacity. Whether you’re interested in joining a small group, volunteering with our children and youth, or engaging in worship and leadership roles, there is a place for you here.
At CtK, all are welcomed to gather around the table and font to share in the abundant grace we receive through Christ. We embrace reconciliation and wholeness as we are sent into the greater community to share God’s love and grace with all people.
Our journey is ongoing, continually creating space for deeper ministry, understanding, and celebration of diversity and inclusivity. We are committed to extending justice and compassion to all marginalized communities, and our efforts will continue until these values are shared with everyone. Together, we grow in relationship with God and one another, fostering a community where everyone can thrive.
Welcome to Christ the King—a place where you are cherished, included, and encouraged to share in the fullness of God’s grace.
Study of scripture: together we will continue to dive into scripture to explore what the Bible has to say
Reaching Outside Our Walls: we will continue to reach outside of the walls of CtK to live into our new welcome statement.